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  • edlanguages2020

Margarida Pereira Gonçalves

With this pandemic, all of us learnt something that could be how to study without live classes or how to do our daily tasks with a mask on.

COVID-19 showed and keeps showing that nothing is guaranteed.

Some words that we thought were so simple and that we will always have are: freedom, communication and touch.

Freedom is a really big concept but before coronavirus we could just go on a vacation, shopping with our friends or go to a party but now we have to think about our security and health. When we were on lockdown we had to stay at home all day and could only go out to buy essential things like food and meds.

The second word is communication.When we were at home we could only talk through our phones, via sms or call, and we realized that we really need to talk to someone.

And, at last, touch. When we arrived at school, before the pandemic, the first thing we were used to do was going to greet our friend with a hug or a kiss on their cheek, or even if someone is having a bad day, try to cheer them up with hugs but now we can’t and I think this is probably the biggest issue due to corona, we have to be so far away that it doesn’t feel human anymore.

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