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  • edlanguages2020

Maria Pocinho

Due to the impact that the pandemic had on the world population, if there is anything which is certain, it is the fact that life after quarantine is no longer the same. We have been hearing about the "new normal" for quite some time now and we've started to witness it as well. Since people are stepping out of their houses once again as they return to their jobs or schools, it remains very important that we keep practising social distancing and be cautious. However, there are some habits I don't want to lose and hopefully in time we can go back to hugging or shaking hands, hanging out carelessly with our friends or not being afraid of attending certain transports and public spaces. 

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Margarida Pereira Gonçalves

With this pandemic, all of us learnt something that could be how to study without live classes or how to do our daily tasks with a mask on. COVID-19 showed and keeps showing that nothing is guaranteed

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