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  • edlanguages2020

The 3 gestures and habits João Ribeiro doesn’t want to lose with this pandemic

The 3 gestures and habits I don’t want to lose with this pandemic are:

- Hugging and kissing

.Because, as a lot of people I very much enjoy those forms of affection, and it’s been really stressful not being able to hug my friend and kiss my family.

-Travelling safely

.We can even travel to other countries right now, but we can´t even leave our homes being a 100% safe and not taking any risks, and if we live with other people, we can feel like we’re not even safe at our own homes.

I really like travelling, and I hope that in a near future we can go wherever we want, without being afraid of getting infected and spread it to our loved ones.

- Face-to-face classes

.We also have face-to-face classes right now, but, it’s always good to remind ourselves that at any moment that can change and we can be sent home, far away from our friends and sitting next to a laptop all day taking lessons.

With that being said, I really hope that the effort we are going through right now with the social distancing measures will help us get out of these nightmare so than, we can be sure that online classes and social distancing measures will stop being a possibility and start being just a distant memory.

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Margarida Pereira Gonçalves

With this pandemic, all of us learnt something that could be how to study without live classes or how to do our daily tasks with a mask on. COVID-19 showed and keeps showing that nothing is guaranteed

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